
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Quiet Book - Coloring Book

The District Convention is coming up this weekend and I am trying to find the best way to entertain a three and a half year old for an entire day, three days in a row. I love the idea of the felt Mr. Potato Head books that are out there. I don't have a sewing machine so can't make one up quickly, but I do have a laminating machine, a printer, and pictures scanned onto my computer. So, I printed up the 31 pictures into 5x7 sizes and scanned the cover of the large coloring book to add to it.
All the pages printed out and ready to be cut and laminated.
After it was laminated and I bound it with larger rings...
that way it can be folded over and held by little hands.
Now I'll hit the Hobby Lobby in the next couple of days to pick up some grease pencils so he can color the pages. I've seen others with dry erase markers, but we all know where the markers would end up and yeah, I don't want them all over my dresses, the boys suits, or on the floor/chairs.
Feeling rather pleased with myself right now.

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