
Monday, July 16, 2012

Fire Pit

For some reason it must be a guy thing...big...big is always better...Raul has been drooling over the pit at the Saltlick every single time we go. He wanted to redo out modest fire pit  to look like theirs...I mean really how much meat does he think we will be grilling at one time? Anyway, we finally put some caps on it and cleaned it up. It's still not finished...we are thinking of doing brick around it or just stuccoing the surround.
Joshua getting the cement mud ready (and cleaning the trowel)
Daddy and Joshua mixing up the cement mud
Once the cap stones were finished we filled in the holes at the front and wrote our last name in it. We wanted  our handprints, but Matthew was napping so we'll do handprints when we do the concrete slab
With the left over mud I used a baking dish and put some into it to start setting up and had Joshua place his hands in it for a paver (probably in a future garden area)...we'll do Matthew's when we finish up the side of the fire pit.

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