
Monday, February 9, 2015

San Antonio Rodeo Kickoff Parade

Saturday, I took the boys to San Antonio to kickoff Rodeo time. We had a really great time and the drive was way faster than I had anticipated so we had time to do some things before the parade started, like see the "Castle" (The Alamo). It was quite the experience to go and spend time doing this with them by myself. The boys were exhausted by the end of the day.
The boys right after parking the car
At one of the vendors they played a game and received a balloon
At the Alamo
We enjoyed watching these dancers.
Then we walked around The Alamo grounds for a little bit
Matthew was so excited for his Alamo Ranger Badge with his name on it.
This was probably my scariest "Mommy Moment".
The longhorns got a little unruly and came right up at the fencing...the cowboys got them under control.
There were even people riding some...WHOA!!!
Shepherds and their sheep and puppies (Baa, Ram, Ewe...)
A little video of them.
The Charreadas....the boys loved this part.
Some of the parade.
 Miss Rodeo Texas

After the rodeo we walked down to the riverwalk and had lunch at Rainforest Cafe. That was a fun experience with the boys. 
My new favorite picture of them...they  love each other so much.
This is exactly where we sat...right at the big gorilla...fascinated the boys.

Needless to say we had a really great time and it got us even more excited for this coming Sunday when Joshua will be in the Mutton Bustin'. It will be an amazingly special experience for him. Then ten days later we make the trek back down so Matthew can take part in his Mutton Bustin' experience.

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