
Monday, June 25, 2012

2012-2013 Special Assembly

We had our Special Assembly yesterday. It was very nice and actually really relaxing. We got up at 5am and got showered and dressed. I made coffee and lunch while Raul showered and dressed. We then woke up the boys and put them into the car in their pjs. It's a two and a half hour drive to Rosenberg and I didn't want them to eat breakfast on the go in their suits and get all dirty.
The only time we were all together.
Joshua eating his lunch all dolled up.
Daddy and Matthew (Matthew wanted his lunch NOW)
Joshua checking out the "rainbow" of Watchtower's in different languages
He liked the replica of the Assembly Hall and Literature Depot
Fishes in the front pond
We had quite a few brothers and sisters come up to us at lunch and after sessions to tell us how well behaved our boys were. It felt so good because Joshua has this constant need to hum songs he makes up. While it bothered me (I hear it from the minute he wakes up until the minute he goes to bed) it wasn't loud and most people realized it is a 3.5yr old making the noises. I will still work on him to not hum ALL day long, but he did good...what helped I think is that he only had his one stuffed toy (which will not be coming to the District Convention in three weeks)...maybe eliminating all toys will keep him from humming during sessions. 
I tried to get him to mark in a notebook every time the speaker mentioned Jehovah, Jesus, or God, but he didn't seem interested in that at all. Maybe he's still too young? I'll try again at the Convention. I know that is how I started out taking notes.
I figure we'll keep up with the driving back and forth for the Special Assemblies, but stay overnight Saturday's for the Circuit Assemblies...driving back and forth both days could be a bit much.

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