
Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Boys Party

Joshua had been asking for the longest time to have a party. The boys had never really had a party before so I looked at a lot of things and we planned one all out and sent out the invitations. Joshua looked at me today while Raul was grilling up the hot dogs and hamburgers and asked, "Is this my party, Mommy". I just smiled at him and nodded yes. At least a three year old can't be totally disappointed since he smiled back and ran off to jump in the bounce house.
Our Invitations - They resembled little cheeseburgers
I put together these cute little gift bags for all the guests with little goodies
Then I made an area for photos to be taken of our guests.
The boys had their picture taken
Daddy grilled up some hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn on the cob
I made this cute sign for our Lemonade and bought the jar at our HEB
Rather than have a cake or cupcakes I made some cute little deserts...Worm Sushi and Hamburgers
I bought mini paper bags at the store and put a napkin and cutlery inside...stamped the outside
We rented a moonwalk for all the kiddos to play in
Finally, we had a group picture done of everyone that was at the party
Kaleb, Jennifer, Me, Joshua, Raul, Matthew

At the end of the day it was nice to spend some time with new friends and get to know them better and finding that we share a lot of interests. But most importantly...Joshua and Matthew were very pleased with their "party".

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